Change of Coronet
A. Polling Procedures
The time and the place of the Polling will be announced at one (1) Baronial meeting and on all official Baronial media (ex. in the Osprey Gazette, Website, Yahoo group, Facebook). The polling will be run by a neutral party from outside of the group.
Paid members of the populace 16 years of age and older can nominate one member of the Barony who meets the following requirements.
Is a paid member of the SCA, who receives a copy of the Kingdom newsletter at their residence.
Is 21 years of age or older.
Has been a resident of the Barony for one (1) year.
A couple may be counted as one nomination. A list of up to five (5) nominations will be compiled based on the number of nominations. Each nominee will be asked if they are willing to serve the Barony in this capacity. Should any nominee decline, they will be removed from the list. The populace will be given up to but not more than five nominees to select from during the polling.
The populace will be polled to select from nominees. The polling results will be tallied and up to three (3) candidates will be announced. The results will be published in the next issue of the Osprey Gazette and announced at the next business meeting.
The above mentioned procedures will occur during one (1), single meeting time.
The candidate(s) will write and mail a letter to the Crown, listing their qualifications for the job as well as their reasons for wishing to serve as Baron/Baroness. Copies of the letter will be sent to the Kingdom Seneschal.
The current Coronet(s) will write a letter to the Crown expressing their personal recommendations on the candidates selected by the polling.
Copies of the polling results shall be delivered to the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal by the neutral party in charge of the polling.
The Crown will choose the new coronet after receiving the results of the polling. Their Majesties are not obligated to make their selection from the nominations offered.