Osprey is a local chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism, representing Mobile and Baldwin Counties in Alabama, and we are within the SCA Kingdom of Meridies, comprised of Alabama, Georgia, most of Tennessee, and parts of Florida and Kentucky.
We work to re-create medieval times in Europe, Asia and the Middle East during a period roughly corresponding to 600 to 1600 CE, studying the arts, manners, and dress of the people in that time and place.
There once were classes where we shared the information and skills that we discovered, meetings where we discussed our future plans and organizational needs, and weekly fighter practice where we honed our skills in the arts of war.
The goal of the group was to promote education, and we had a lot of fun doing that. One of the most popular activities was an event, sometimes involving camping in tents or sleeping in cabins, where we combined classes, combat, feasting, and just being together in a medieval atmosphere. We'd also sometimes arrange games of Raffle - a medieval gambling game. Sometimes going back to historic games of chance can be a lot of fun!
These events were far and near, and had been scheduled by groups all over the Knowne World. Taken as a whole, we called this lifestyle The Dream. That was before the Plague.
To learn more about us, or the SCA as a whole, use the links on this page and the buttons on the menu below to explore what we did. We sincerely hope that you will have found a place among us!

If you'd like to learn more about how the Baron/Baroness are selected, the procedure for polling the populace is outlined here.
The Society for Creative Anachronism has an anti-bullying policy, the complete text of which can be found here.
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